Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Blog Tour

Have you ever heard of a blog tour?  Well I have the privilege of being on this blog tour and the exciting job of introducing to you a dear friend, and author and her new book A Home for Pheobe.  I met the author Yvonne Blake many years ago when I stayed in her home during a youth group mission trip to Maine to help with a VBS.  She also designed the Title artwork for my blog and I think of her often when I see it!

I read her new book 2 weeks ago and LOVED IT!  I love reading and historic fiction books are some of my favorites. So as I said this is a blog tour and all this month there there is a different blog every few days or so introducing A Home for Pheobe.  Zeke is a peddler whose love for God and other people have a significant role in caring for and connecting people in need.  Zeke is guiding us through this blog tour on his wagon. 

Zeke the Peddler wears a floppy hat and a gray coat, whose sleeves seems much too short for his arms. His eyes sparkle and his mustache twitches, and he seems as tall as a weather vane on the top of the barn. Removing his hat, he bows low. “Well, good day, folks. What can I help you with ? This here is a regular gen'ral store on wheels! Anything you want or need. I have it. Needles or tubs, buttons or pans - jewelry and fancy perfume, too! “ As you walk around the strange wagon, your eyes widen with wonder. There are pans, kettles, tools, and things you never saw before hanging on the sides. At the back is a door that opens at the top. You can see bolts of cloth, kegs, wash tubs, and hundreds of little boxes. 

 The Author:  I know Yvonne Blake as a loving mother of a large family, who know enjoys posting funny stays her adorable grandkids say. I call her my Maine Mom and have been encouraged spiritually by her in many occasions. 

If you are looking for a good book to read I highly recommend A Home for Pheobe.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!  Check out the links below to learn more. The book comes in both an ebook or a paperback.

Synopsis: A Home for Phoebe is an historical novel of an Indian woman and a young girl wandering the hills of the Hudson Valley during the mid 1800's. One flees prejudice, while the other yearns for a home. Through the friendship of a peddler, a blind granny, and blacksmith's family, they learn of forgiveness and faith.

If you want to continue the Blog tour with Zeke the next stop is on the 22nd at:

Yvonne will be giving away a free copy of A Home for Pheobe at the end of the month. Drawing a name from those who follow the tour by commenting on the blogs or on her author page on Facebook.  Happy commenting and Good Luck!







  1. Don't you love how miles melt away via the internet. How exciting to join Zeke in Brazil. Love your blog, Joy. God Bless you and your fiance in your ministry.

  2. Poor Ol'Sam must be getting tired of pulling this wagon from one side of the country to the other.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed "A Home for Phoebe." My favorite character was the grandmother. She taught the love of the of Scriptures and the power of the Word to both the girls and they would call upon those words in their time of need. It's a great story about real life and how often things are very hard, but with faith and trust, God orchestrates people and provision into your life when you walk in faith. I loved walking through the forest with the girls and I think every forest animal was encountered upon at some point. I could easily picture the scenes and the characters by Yvonne's discriptions, reminding me just a tad of those days long ago reading Laura Ingalls Wilder.

  4. Great blog post from Brazil. I'm still waiting to read this book. I've had a few others on my list to finish first. But it's coming up shortly! I can't wait to dig in! :)

  5. Hi, Joy! This does sound like a neat book to read! Isn't it fun to have an author friend? I have one whose blog I was just reading before reading yours. She is just getting ready to publish her third book in a children's fictional series.
