Friday, December 2, 2011

November Newsletter

Here is my November Newsletter.  God has been good and I have much to praise Him for.  Please read my newsletter and feel free to leave comments!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I talked a while ago about learning lessons, and God is continually trying to teach me many things.  One thing I am trying to learn is to have patience.  I knew in coming to Brazil that it would take me a while to adjust to my surroundings and to find where I fit and how I would work best here.  I guess I was thinking that 4 months would do it because I felt very frustrated this week when I looked around and did not see the progress that I wanted.  I am not sure that I gave myself a  timeline before but I must have done so in my sub-conscience because I feel frustrated at my current situation.  I have somewhat gotten over my frustration by looking to Christ and remembering that His timeline is not my timeline and that I am much better off on His timing than my own. So I am again learning to trust and to rely on Him for the strength to get through the frustrating moments, and praise Him with joy when I see that I am fitting in and connecting here in many ways.

One area that I am experiencing both frustration and joy is the music group at church. Although I am accepted and encouraged to sing with them, I am frustrated when I am not included in meetings and can't express my opinions or teach due to my lack of vocabulary to explain myself well.  But, even at the end of a frustrating moment God sends people my way to encourage me and He did that for me last night when a friend at church wanted to tell me how much he enjoys my singing.  So I was humbled and rebuked in such a nice way for my unbelief.  It is in those low moments that I question God as to why he has me here, and in the high moment I thank Him that He chose me to go Brasil because in His perfect plan He knows that I need to be here to learn the lessons He has for me!

Please pray for me!  I know many of you are and I have no doubt that God uses those prayers to give me strength and help me in this learning process.  Please let me know what I can be praying for you about, so that God can use me to bless you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Caju fruit

The caju fruit is literally falling of the trees here.  I had never seen or had the fruit from the cashew tree before I came to Brazil.  The fruit is a little tart but when you juice it and add a little sugar it makes a great juice.  We have many of the caju trees on campus here and we have been enjoying eating them and making juice with them. Since I had never hear or seen a cashew fruit before I wanted to share a picture here with you.  I wish I could send you all some to try but you will just have to come visit sometime to try it! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back into things

I made it back to Brazil with a very smooth trip all in all. Once my passport with missionary visa got to me about 2 hours before I had to leave my house, I left for my flights to Brazil.  I made all connections with plenty of time and made the entire trip in just over 1 day.  A new record for me in speediness!

So I am back in Brazil and back to helping with 2 choirs here, talking to people on campus and taking my portuguese class.  I still have so far to go in understanding and communicating well in Portuguese and so that has to be my top priority.  It seems so easy to let other things get in the way though.

The seminary that I live on and work with is going away for a retreat this weekend.  It is at a camp about 2 hours away.  It is the same place I went to camp before so I get to sleep in a hammock again.  I will be gone for about 4 days.  I may have some stories to tell when I get back.

For now I will just say Bom Dia and Tchao!  (Good Day and Goodbye!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Time in the States

My time in the states was a time of refreshment and reconnecting with so many people.  It was nice to spend an unexpected trip back in such a nice way. I got to do so much in a short period of time and even saw friends that I have not seen in many months.  I made it to Minnesota and in that weekend managed to go to the State fair, a church picnic, church, and visited with my former nanny kids! At my parents house I was able to attend my younger sister's baby shower,  saw most of my extended family, vacationed at my family's lake house, and got in some much needed rest.

It was a profitable trip as well, because I did receive my missionary visa in my passport.  It came none too soon as I got it into my hands about 2 hours before I was to leave my house for the airport.  Praise God it came in though and I was able to make my flights!

I am now at the airport in Boston waiting for the first leg of my journey to Brazil.  If all goes well and I am not delayed on any of my flights I will make it to my final destination in less than 24 hours. Which will be a new record for me for sure.  I am praying that God blesses me with such a journey but am prepared for complications along the way.  When I first began the journey of going to Brazil as a missionary over 3 years ago I had many friends encourage me that God uses the journey not always the destination.  I can say that God has used many journeys in my life to change me and convict me of sin.  I am still on the bigger journey even if I have begun the term of my life that will be marked by being a missionary in Brazil.  And I can certainly say that God continues to convict of sin and to change me.

Just in the past few days I re-questioned everything about my call to go to Brazil when it did not look hopeful that my passport would make it back to me in time. I questioned why God has to make things so hard.  I still don't have the answers but I continue to cling to the promise He gives that He loves His children, and works out all things for His glory and our good.  So I am happy to say that I have not given up and I will continue this life, in God's service, and will do my best, with His help, to go where He sends me, and do what He calls me to do.

Please pray for me to do this as I pray for the same for you.  Feel free to share with me any journeys you are on that you would appreciate prayer for and we can lift each other up as we bear one another's burdens in our co-journey towards Christlikeness and Heaven!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

In the States

I began my trip back to the USA on Aug 18 and made it into Boston on the 19. I had to come back to the States to get my missionary visa into my passport so my first stop on the way home from the airport was the post office. I mailed off my passport and am now waiting to receive it back or hear from the Brazilian Embassy.

I don't know exactly why things worked out the way they did but I am enjoying my bonus time to spend with family and friends. I was able to be apart of my baby sisters baby shower, and have spent time with family. I am now about to get on a plane for MN where I will get to spend time with many brothers and sisters in Christ. God is good to me in blessing me with this trip even though I tried hard to avoid it.

I am missing Brazil and the many great people I have met there and am anxious to get back. I know that when I return (Lord willing on september 8) I will hot the ground running. Roque and I will start a choir at church and I will have portugeuse lessons and class, plus many other things.

I will post pictures from my trip later.
God bless you!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Visas Visas Visas

Many months ago I began the process of applying for a Missionary Visa so that I could go to Brasil to serve God and stay there for 18 months.  When I left over a month ago from the States I had not heard a final word on my visa, so I came on my tourist visa.  I came in the hopes that with God's help I would receive my missionary visa and residency status while in Brasil and find a way to stay there.  I did receive word that my missionary visa had been APPROVED and then I began to search for a way to change to my missionary visa.  I did not find that way.  So instead I am traveling back to the US for a short trip to finalize my visa and enter Brasil on my missionary visa.  That being said I will be in the USA from August 19 to Sept 7th.  I am flying in and out of Boston and going to Minneapolis for a few days in the middle (25-30).

I was reminded by a friend that when things come into our lives that we do not understand and have not planned for, both good or bad, that we need to not ask "Why" but ask "Who."  I don't know the why, but I do know the Who.  God in his sovereignty has allowed this to happen in my life, and I will praise Him through it.

I have had many emotions and thoughts that go through my mind when I think about the fact that after only a month and a half I will be going back to the USA.  From feelings of defeat and failure for only making it for such a short time, to happiness that I will once again see friends and family that I dearly  miss, to wonder at what God could be doing through this, and to finally understanding that for so many different reasons some I am beginning to see and some I may never know, God has ordained for me to travel back to the states and to praise Him through it.  So that is what I am trying to do!  In all things to give Him Preeminence, for He is worthy of all our praise, our Creator, Redeemer, and Savior.

So that being said if you are near Methuen or Minneapolis and want to see me, please let me know, I would love to see you!

Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Started classes

In my need to learn Portuguese I began attending a module class here at the Seminary.  It is an advanced Portuguese class on Composition of Texts.  Needless to say, but I don't understand very much.  I am however being exposed by immersion to the Language and I can say I am exhausted by the end of the day from all the thinking and trying to comprehend that I have done during the day.  I am learning new words and phrases daily and I get opportunities galore to use my new knowledge.  Thank you to all of you who are praying for me to learn the language, I am slowly learning, but have a long way to go.
 I went to a camp for the Association of Regular Baptists with Roque and Adriana last week.  I met many brothers and sisters in Christ many of which are pastors of local churches throughout the state of Ceara.
 Here is a beautiful view of the pond on sight, full of beautiful lily pads and flowers.
 We had beautiful weather to enjoy God's handiwork, as all the buildings are open air with only roofs to shade from the sun.  With mosquito repellant for the night we faired quite well.
 This is where we slept.  I slept in the red hammock, with Adriana next to me and Roque on the floor.  There was another family in 3 hammocks next to ours in the same room.

Thanks for keeping up with me, if you want to know more please comment or contact me!
God Bless,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My first newsletter!

I just created and sent out my first newsletter, if you did not get it check it out here - July Newsletter. If you want to receive it in an email let me know.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A world of I'm sorry's and I don't understand

I wish I could say God gave me the gift of tongues, but He has not.  I still understand some and speak a little but I often find myself asking people to repeat what they are saying or to just say I am sorry I don't understand.  I have been here over a week and I have learned many new words and learned key phrases but I have not begun my intentional study of Portuguese with a native speaker.  I will start that soon and then I soon hope to be understanding and speaking more.  But I really can't complain, those who speak to me are quite patient and I really have not be suffering.  I also have Native English speakers with which to talk which gives me a nice mental break.

It has been lovely weather here, hot in the sun but nice in the shade.  I am continually reminded that the sun is much stronger here and that I need to stay out of it, so I spend most of my time in the shade or indoors.  My only complaint so far has been the mosquitos and fire ants. They seem to really enjoy feasting on me.  I am sure I will soon learn the art of avoiding them.

I have had many firsts here, I played the piano at Zion, I introduced my self in Portuguese and English (Roque translated) to the church,  I bought my first oven and refrigerator, and I drove in Brazil for the first time.  I am sure there are many other things I cannot think of yet.

Classes at the Seminary do not begin until the first of August and so my time is spent much more relaxed and accomplishing errands of establishing myself here.  I will start keeping a schedule and being involved in many things come August so I am trying to enjoy my extra time now.

I am in the process of trying to locate and buy a car.  My friend João works at a Fiat dealership and he is looking for me.  Due to the decline of the American dollar the exchange rate is not so much in my favor. And so the car will cost me more than I had planned.  Please pray that God provides me the money or a cheaper car.  I have seen God providing for my needs so I know He can and will.

I however am not looking forward to owning and driving a car here in Brazil.  They drive differently here and it will require nerves of steel to deal with what I have seen so far.  Road rules are simply guidelines that you may chose or not chose to follow and so I am sure I will have many stories to share once I do begin to drive the streets of Brazil.

Please keep me in your prayers, and I shall do the same for you.  I would love to hear from you, please email or leave me a comment!

Thanks!  Joy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living in Brazil

I made it!!!!  It was a long and tiring trip but I am here now!  It cost a little more for a few things but I have begun my adventure for Christ in Brazil.  I have been blessed to be able to stay with friends for these first few days.  I will eventually live at the Seminary but they were having a conference for music and were over filled. So I had no place to go.  João and Mary and their children took me in have been more than hospitable, feeding and driving me around as well!  I am so glad to have them as friends, they visited me in the States and I am so glad to be with them again.

I am also glad to be together with Roque and Adriana, and their sons.  I missed them while I was visiting my family.  I have been working on my portuguese speaking with Brazilians who don't know English, and enjoying the few conversations I have with the English speaking people that I find!

Today I was able to get into my new apartment and began to clean.  I also bought a stove/oven and a refrigerator.  I hope to one day unpack my suitcases (I have 5 and have been living out of 1) soon but for now I am still sleeping at João and Mary's house for at least one more night.

God has been good in teaching me to rely on Him.  Leaving my family, friends, and country that I love hit me really hard on Wednesday when I left.  I still find it hard to think about those I left behind without crying, but with God's help and strength I will attempt to fulfill what He has called me to.  Please pray for me  and I will pray for you that we all may trust in the strength of our Lord.   I know for sure I am not strong enough on my own and I want to be honest with you all to encourage you to do things that may seem impossible for you but is more than possible for God!

I am currently here on my tourist visa as my Missionary residency visa did not go through yet,  with Pastor Roque's help I hope to figure out what I need to do next to secure my visa.  I am so glad to have a Brazilian fluent in Portuguese that can help me because I have not been doing well on my own!

Well, that is all for now.  I will begin a more extensive and purposeful study of Portuguese with a lady here, I will set up my apartment, and I will try to share my Lord and Saviour with all I meet!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

One Week Left

I have one week to go before I leave for Brazil.  I can't believe it.  I have been visiting with my parents and family here in Massachusetts for the last month and having lots of good rest and relaxation.

I presented at Fellowship Bible Church and was blessed with a love offering to help me with my travel to Brazil.  It was fun presenting at the church I grew up in, and found a love for missions in.  God has been good to keep connections open there.

I may only have a few days left here but lots to do.  I have begun my packing and repacking to fill my suitcases with 70lbs of stuff each and I plan on taking 3.  I also need to sell my car. I have it on Craig's list but have not received any interest.  I am praying I can get some money for it by selling it somewhere.  I still do not have my missionary visa, I do have a tourist visa that I may use instead to get me there and continue the process of waiting for my missionary visa.  Please pray that I will make the right decisions regarding this whole situation.

I am sure to have many funny stories coming soon as I attempt to speak in my new language.  I talked to some Brazilian friends on Skype the other day and struggled through our conversation.  But, with God's help I will understand and be understood.

Thanks everyone for following this blog, I plan on updating much more frequently once I am in Brazil.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Home again!

So the last few weeks have been crazy ones for me.  I packed up all my earthly belongings and either sold, stored or gave them away.  I visited ones of God's natural handiworks (the grand canyon) with my family and had a wonderful time.  I then packed my very small car (ford mustang) and drove over 1400 miles to Massachusetts.  I made it in 2 days and then toured New England and New York City for the next 4 days with my good friends and former roomies Shelly and Shelly.  I am now gratefully sitting on the couch at my parents house trying to recuperate from the former fun.

I have finally received all of the letters and forms that I believe I need for my visa and should be able to send them in to the consulate soon.  So with God's grace I may still get my missionary visa in time for my July 6th departure.  Please pray to that end.

My plans for this month are to study Portuguese, buy a few things I think I will need for Brazil, pack and weigh my bags to see what I can take with me to Brazil, and spend time with family and friends here in Massachusetts.

I have only 2 dates left on my list of activities before I leave for Brazil.  I am presenting my mission to Fellowship Bible Church on June 12th, and I leave on July 6th for Brazil.

I praise God for His grace and strength that has gotten me through this crazy time and continue to pray for the strength to do what He is calling me to do.

I included a few pictures from my recent trips!  Enjoy!

Antelope Slot Canyon, Page, AZ

The whole gang at the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon was so much bigger and grander than pictures can show.

NYC with Shelly and Shelly

Monday, April 25, 2011

Over half way there!

Not only is the time running away very quickly, but I am actually accomplishing somethings as well.

Nothing is finished but things are progressing.  First of all I sent in my papers for my Visa and I heard back from them as to what I am to do next.  So I am working on all of those and hope to send it off early next week after I accumulate everything I need. Please pray that this next phase of sending forms in will be the last and that my Visa will be approved quickly.

Second,  I have been receiving support and I am happy to report I am over half way there!!! Praise the Lord!  Each time I have been discouraged or worried that I may not be doing enough God has provided the encouragement and support to correct my unbelief and trust Him to provide again.

Third, I have gone through at least half of my stuff making 3 piles: 1)Go to Brazil, 2) Go to my parents (storage) 3) Get rid of (donate or give away).    It is quite a chore for me to get rid of so much, my frugalness and sentimentality get in the way. But, I am enjoying seeing the get rid of piles get bigger and bigger!

Here is my updated calendar for Events leading up to my departure for Brazil:

May 1st - presenting my mission at PLBC during the evening service
May 7th - Going Away party for me at my house (you are all invited!!!)
May 15 - Last Sunday at PLBC
May 16-23 - Vacation with part of my family to the Grand Canyon
May 25 - Leave MN drive to MA
June 12 - Present at FBC (Fellowship Bible Church) during evening service
July 6 - Fly to Brazil

Please continue to pray for me as I finalize my plans and prepare for my new ministries in Brazil.  Also, please let me know how I can best pray for you.  Thank you for being a part of my ministry and May God Bless You!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Out of my hands

That phrase "out of my hands" describes just about everything coming up for my trip to Brazil.  The next steps are out of my hands and in God's very capable hands.  Which I am so glad that they are!  I sent off my visa application to the Brazilian Consulate and am now waiting to hear back from them.  I bought my ticket to get to be Brazil and I leave from JKF on July 6th.  Once I get my visa back I can focus on my studies and my packing!

I just got back from a trip home to Massachusetts last weekend. I got to bring Roque, Adriana and a couple from Brazil (João and Mary).  It was a very fun trip, and also very exhausting. I do not think that these Brazilians like sleep as much as I do! = )  We had a whirlwind trip including visiting Boston, NYC, Maine and the bowling alley (for candlepin bowling, a New England specialty). There were many pictures taken and lots of laughs had, and best of all my immediate family got to meet some of the people I will be spending lots of time with in Brazil.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Finals Plans

I haven't created a new post in quite a while. A few things have happened since the last post.  I have received all the letters I need to apply for my Visa and I am just waiting on one last question to be answered so I can send it all in.  I am in the process of purchasing my tickets to bring me to Brazil, and I am creating my plan for what I am bringing with me to Brazil, what I am bringing to my parents in MA, and what I am getting rid of.

I feel like I am on the precipice of getting a lot finalized and finished, but I just can't seem to take that final step and make it happen.  I have begun raising support for my trip and my first supporter is PLBC who voted a couple of weeks ago to support me as a church.  Praise the Lord for that huge blessing.  I also sent out many letters with more to follow asking for partners who want to be a part of this ministry.  Please let me know if you did not receive a letter and would like to.  I have a deficient address book that needs many updates.

So for now here is a basic calendar of the upcoming events in my life:

March 31-April 4 trip to MA and NYC with my Brazilian friends
May 8 - Present ministry at PLBC in the evening
May 15 - last sunday at PLBC
May 16 - May 23 Trip with family to Grand Canyon
May 25 - drive from MN to MA
June - Sunday present at FBC (Fellowship Bible Church)
July (first week) fly to Brazil

So that is a look at how my last 3 months in the States with shape up.  I am sure many other events will fill up the time in between these dates.  I am just beginning the Good-byes and am not looking forward to them.  For my friends here in MN I would love to get together with you all before I leave.  And MA friends and family I am looking forward to time spent together as well!

That is all for now talk to you again soon!  ~Joy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So little time so much to do

I realize I have over 4 months before I go to Brazil.  But, did you just hear that I only have 4 MONTHS UNTIL I GO TO BRAZIL!!! Ok I am done shouting.  As my roommate put it I have way to long to start freaking out now. But, there are moments when I do not have victory over my emotions and my irrational fears begin to show and I once again need to give my cares to God for Him to hold. And I know He holds them and cares for them much better than I can.

Ok so little time and so much to do.  Timelines have always been hard on me, I get things done but usually just in time. But, I am trying hard to get things done sooner.  My visa is still not even applied for yet. I am waiting for letters to arrive from Brazil that I need to send in with my application.  I am praying the mail delivery services take good care of them and that they arrive soon.  I feel that there may not be enough time for me to feel accomplished in speaking Portuguese before I leave and that is to say nothing about the ministries and tasks in Brazil that God maybe calling me to do that I have no confidence to complete.

Wow those things are kind of a downer.  Now on to what God is doing.  He continues to give me time to complete my tasks and friends along the way to encourage me.  I am filling up my free time with memories I will take with me to Brazil and I am planning fun trips along the way.  God has also given me snow, yes for those of you in the Northern States of the USA you might think I am crazy but for someone who is moving to a country without snow I am soaking it up and loving the cold and beauty of God's creation.  That said if you are in MN and want to do a winter activity with me please let me know!

Thanks for reading and I hope that by next week I will have an update on my Visa and my next step towards Brazil!

Monday, February 14, 2011


I feel like to have so much to do before I can go to Brazil.  One of the major hurdles is getting a Temporary Residency Visa for Brazil.  I have been compiling the list of items that I need but I am still waiting to get the letters from Brazil that are hopefully in the mail on their way to me.  This whole process has 2 steps.  I need to fill out forms and send in letters, and then they send it back to me and then I have more things to send in again.  So the few months that I have left may not be enough time to get it all done.  Please pray for God's will in this. I do have my tourist visa from the last time I went so  I am allowed in Brazil for 180 days in each of the next 4 years. So that is a big blessing.

My thoughts are often on what I should be bringing to Brazil, what I can fit in my car to bring home and what I should sell/or get rid of.  I have never thought that I have a lot of stuff, but right now it does seem like a small mountain's worth. I am glad I have a few months to figure all of this out.  If you have any advice on things I may need there or creative ways to get rid of stuff please share.

I attended a free Portuguese class last night at a local Brazilian Church.  I am reminded of just how much more I need to learn, but I am encouraged by just how much I do understand. I never seem to find enough time to sit down and study portuguese so having a class to go to helps a lot. Languages have never been my thing, but that is just one more way I see God working and changing my thoughts towards His. I am excited about learning and understanding a new culture, language and people.  I am looking forward to the day that speaking in Portuguese comes naturally and Brazilians can understand me. = )

Well that is all for now.  If you want to know more please email or call!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Singing Hills and Clapping Trees

Isaiah 55:12  - "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

So this is my blog, I am starting it in the hopes that I can stay connected with friends, and family and make new connections as I begin this next stage of my life.  I am leaving for Brazil in 5 months.  I have so much to do before then and so much to do once I get there.  I am going to Brazil with Roque and Adriana Albuquerque and we will be living in NE Brazil in the state of Ceará. I hope to serve God there with various tasks mostly with music and kids.  Two things that God has given me a love for an enough talent to give it a try.

The name of this blog was inspired by my good friend Sylvia.  She was thinking about my dilemma in naming my blog and did a word study on joy in the Bible.  She came up with a number of encouraging verses, but I picked this one because of its encouragement to go out and teach others about Christ and expect the mountains and hills to sing and the trees to clap their hands.  The Lord's name will be glorified and He will be exalted and I want to be a part of it.

So as of right now I am working towards a departure date in the first few days of July, 2011. I am working on my portuguese, figuring out how to get a Visa, and starting the daunting task of letting people know what I am doing and hopefully raising support of both prayer, love and money so I can stay in Brazil for up to a year and a half.

I plan on writing on this blog every week or so while I am still in the USA and maybe more often once I am in Brazil. Feel free to let me know if I am talking to much or if there is something else you would like to know about.  Please call, email, text, comment or stop by soon to see me I would love to connect while I am still in  the states!