Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Finals Plans

I haven't created a new post in quite a while. A few things have happened since the last post.  I have received all the letters I need to apply for my Visa and I am just waiting on one last question to be answered so I can send it all in.  I am in the process of purchasing my tickets to bring me to Brazil, and I am creating my plan for what I am bringing with me to Brazil, what I am bringing to my parents in MA, and what I am getting rid of.

I feel like I am on the precipice of getting a lot finalized and finished, but I just can't seem to take that final step and make it happen.  I have begun raising support for my trip and my first supporter is PLBC who voted a couple of weeks ago to support me as a church.  Praise the Lord for that huge blessing.  I also sent out many letters with more to follow asking for partners who want to be a part of this ministry.  Please let me know if you did not receive a letter and would like to.  I have a deficient address book that needs many updates.

So for now here is a basic calendar of the upcoming events in my life:

March 31-April 4 trip to MA and NYC with my Brazilian friends
May 8 - Present ministry at PLBC in the evening
May 15 - last sunday at PLBC
May 16 - May 23 Trip with family to Grand Canyon
May 25 - drive from MN to MA
June - Sunday present at FBC (Fellowship Bible Church)
July (first week) fly to Brazil

So that is a look at how my last 3 months in the States with shape up.  I am sure many other events will fill up the time in between these dates.  I am just beginning the Good-byes and am not looking forward to them.  For my friends here in MN I would love to get together with you all before I leave.  And MA friends and family I am looking forward to time spent together as well!

That is all for now talk to you again soon!  ~Joy