Thursday, October 18, 2012


I did not post my newest newsletter and here are the 2 previous ones as well.

September Newsletter

June/July Newsletter

August Newsletter

Nearing the End

So, I guess I have not posted on here in a really really long time. I knew I had been neglecting it, but I didn't realize for just how long.  Oops!  Well, I am here now.  I think of things I could post on here but just never write it, and I actually don't even know if anyone reads it. So if you get this please let me know if this is a worthwhile use of my time. =)

The title of this post is "nearing the end".... and if all goes as planned I will be back in the states in 2 months. Thus, ending my year and a half stay in Brazil.  This has been a wonderful year and a half full of too many blessings, trials, learning experiences, and adventures to write here.  But, my prayer is that it is just the beginning. I have begun making my plans for the future here in Brazil. I knew being here long term was an option when I first decided to come to Brazil. But, I wasn't ready to think about that then. Now I am sure that God wants me to live and serve here I just still don't know how the details will work out.  My time is coming to an end but there are still many many questions yet to be answered. Will you please pray for me as I take steps of faith, trusting that God is going to hold me in His hands and guide me in these coming months.  I will be sure to update you by newsletter and blog of the progress and how things change for me to return this coming year.

I have a few requests of you my blog readers, would you please pray with me about these things?  
1. I need to find support for my mission here in Brazil.  And along with that a new sending agency.
2. I would love to find instruments of all kinds to bring back to Brazil with me to start many new music ministries. Would you look in your attics and closets and see if there are any instruments lying around that you would be willing to donate to music programs here in Brazil. Or even ask your friends for me too?
3. Life in general is less expensive than in the states but I have had a number of big expenses recently, my car, my visa renewal, and transferring my Bachelor's degree to an international degree. Please pray that God would continue to provide for my expenses as I end out this portion of my time here in Brazil.

The future looks bright for me and my ministry here, I can only see it getting better as God works. Thank you for being on this journey with me as I am being stretched and I pray God is being glorified. There is still much more to come! Thank you for your prayers and support!  God bless you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May Newsletter

I have internet back, so I can post my newest Newsletter with news from May 2012.

May Newsletter

God bless you all!


I now have been bowling in Brazil. I recently went to Petrolina, a city about 4 hours drive away, to visit a very special person (my boyfriend).  Petrolina is a bigger city than the cities near where I live.  And recently they have added a bowling alley to the many activities to do in their city.  This bowling alley was different than any bowling alley I have ever been in.  First of all it is only open in the evenings, and secondly, it is much a much smaller venue than any I have been in before.  This alley had about 10 lanes I think, and the other very different thing about it was that you could use the rental shoes, or you could go BAREFOOT!  I have never been in a bowling alley before that I would have considered worthy of going barefoot but this one was so clean and bright I played the second string without shoes.  It was a different feeling for sure not sliding on those slippery bowling shoes, but it was fun to try something that I have a feeling will never catch on in the states.

I haven't written a blog post in over a month (bad me).  But, I tend to forget about it, so I hope that this silly one about bowling in Brazil is enough to tide you over.

Friday, May 4, 2012

April Newsletter

Here is a link to my April Newsletter!  Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts. I love to hear from you!
God bless you!
April Newsletter


Monday, April 23, 2012


I have been living in Brazil for a while now and I am used to my surroundings now for the most part.  The other day I saw a little creature running along the wall around the seminary. Actually, I see these creatures a lot, but the other day I realized that my brain was calling these animals, squirrels. Because, I am accustomed to seeing squirrels in the places I have lived.  I started thinking about it and realized that they couldn't be squirrels, because there aren't any squirrels in this part of the world, as far as I know.  I was going for a walk and encountered these animals again and realized that the fluffy tailed creatures were nothing else than monkeys.  It is funny because I had been lamenting the fact that I had not seen any monkeys recently, although I knew they lived on campus.  So my thinking has been altered and my brain informed, so that now when I see these cute little guys I know they are Monkeys! 

While thinking about the mind I realized just how important how we think is.  I was in error this whole time thinking that Monkeys were Squirrels.  This did not cause any problems, nor did it really affect my ability to think correctly about other things. But, there are some things that are more important that we need to think correctly about.  That is where the "renewing of your mind" that the Bible talks about comes in.  When we were not followers of Christ, or even when we were new believers we probably thought about many things as truth and took things for granted that were in fact errors.  We need the Holy Spirits work in our minds and hearts to help us see the truth of the Bible and not see the Bible through our eyes of experience and what we think is truth.  

I praise God that He has and is creating in me a renewed mind, and I am reminded often when I read God's word that I need His understanding to remove my old mind and world view, and create a new mind, a new understanding so that I can better know my God.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Here is a link to my March Newsletter.  Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy it!

God bless you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Getting things rolling!

I have been back for over a month now and things are really rolling and picking up steam.  I can't say that I am too busy yet but I am enjoying more activities and seeing progress in many of the areas I am working with.
I have had 2 prosperous meetings with the music team at church and I am excited about the future for this team.
I taught my first english class as a substitute teacher and will now be better prepared for teaching english next semester.
I also have begun my training with Tributos, the smaller music group, here at the Seminary. And am working on my portuguese at the same time as I try to explain musical concept and voice training.

I praise God for His hand guiding me and giving me grace in each of these situations and I am excited for what is right around the corner.

God bless you all!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Be Anxious for Nothing.

Mat. 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (ESV)

I wouldn't say I am anxious as much as I am contemplative.  I do not know what my future looks like and at time that can be disconcerting.  Now that I am back in Brazil I have to face the question of what I will do after this year.  I am committed to serving God here in Brazil until December. But what happens after that?  I know that my God will supply my every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19 emp. mine), and I know  that I need to "not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let [my] requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard [my heart] and [my mind] in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7 ESV)

I am glad that in times of distress God brings verses to mind and guides us with His wisdom, I am praying to know God's will for today and to fulfill His purpose for me daily, and to trust Him with the future.  Would you please pray with me that God's wisdom would guide me as I make decisions daily and for the future?  

The question of what my next year will look like is a big one, but the daily questions of how best to spend my time and how to fulfill the tasks he has given me is daunting to me as well.  I find myself pre-occupied with thoughts of what ifs, and how comes, and need to school my thoughts back to Him.  Do you find yourself doing the same thing?  Let's lift us each other in prayer as Christian brothers and sisters so that we can all have victory over the mind and be drawn closer to Christ.
Finally, brothers, whatever is truewhatever is honorable,whatever is justwhatever is purewhatever is lovely,whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Phil 4:8 ESV)

Thanks for reading, I think I am quite contemplative today and maybe my next post will be something much lighter.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.

God bless you!  ~Joy

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Newsletters

Hello everyone!  I have not posted anything on this blog in entirely too long. I will have to begin remedying that.  First I have 2 newsletter for you.  I apparently did not post my December newsletter so here it is December Newsletter.

And my newest newsletter for January and February here - Jan/Feb Newsletter

As always please comment on them and let me know what you think.

God bless!