Thursday, October 18, 2012


I did not post my newest newsletter and here are the 2 previous ones as well.

September Newsletter

June/July Newsletter

August Newsletter

Nearing the End

So, I guess I have not posted on here in a really really long time. I knew I had been neglecting it, but I didn't realize for just how long.  Oops!  Well, I am here now.  I think of things I could post on here but just never write it, and I actually don't even know if anyone reads it. So if you get this please let me know if this is a worthwhile use of my time. =)

The title of this post is "nearing the end".... and if all goes as planned I will be back in the states in 2 months. Thus, ending my year and a half stay in Brazil.  This has been a wonderful year and a half full of too many blessings, trials, learning experiences, and adventures to write here.  But, my prayer is that it is just the beginning. I have begun making my plans for the future here in Brazil. I knew being here long term was an option when I first decided to come to Brazil. But, I wasn't ready to think about that then. Now I am sure that God wants me to live and serve here I just still don't know how the details will work out.  My time is coming to an end but there are still many many questions yet to be answered. Will you please pray for me as I take steps of faith, trusting that God is going to hold me in His hands and guide me in these coming months.  I will be sure to update you by newsletter and blog of the progress and how things change for me to return this coming year.

I have a few requests of you my blog readers, would you please pray with me about these things?  
1. I need to find support for my mission here in Brazil.  And along with that a new sending agency.
2. I would love to find instruments of all kinds to bring back to Brazil with me to start many new music ministries. Would you look in your attics and closets and see if there are any instruments lying around that you would be willing to donate to music programs here in Brazil. Or even ask your friends for me too?
3. Life in general is less expensive than in the states but I have had a number of big expenses recently, my car, my visa renewal, and transferring my Bachelor's degree to an international degree. Please pray that God would continue to provide for my expenses as I end out this portion of my time here in Brazil.

The future looks bright for me and my ministry here, I can only see it getting better as God works. Thank you for being on this journey with me as I am being stretched and I pray God is being glorified. There is still much more to come! Thank you for your prayers and support!  God bless you!